Floors classification
Floors we can classificate as follows:
solid wood- each board is made of one piece of wood, usually are used precious species of deciduous trees,
double-layer- floor assambled from two layers, top layer made of precious species, bottom layer made of second quality tree species, for example conifers.
Floors finish
We provide coating by using world famous Rubio Monocoat oil plus 2C. The use of this oil makes the floor look as natural as possible and facilitate potential restoration. This type of coating is also distinguished by the fact that it does not create a uniform layer on the surface of flooring. Therefore coated surface is not only aesthetically perfect and pleasant for the users, but also waterproof, resistant to detergents and diluted detergents which can be used in the kitchen. Furthermore use of "B component (accelerator)" in the Rubio Monocoat oil plus 2C increases the durability and protection of the flooring.
Using Rubio Monocoat oil plus 2C in the production process is not dangerous for health. All components are thoroughly cleaned, thereby the manufacturer guarantees sustainability and safety of their product. You should not be worried about any fumes that can hurt you or your family.
Installation- Manufacturer's recommendation
Before installation
Storage, installation of the floor and its subsequent operation to be carried out under optimal environmental conditions: humidity of 45-55% and a temperature of 18 to 25 ° C, humidity of the walls to 3%.
Floorboards must acclimate to the temperature in the room - to do this, place the package in the room of floor assembly for 2 - 7 days prior to installation (depending on the temperature conditions and manner of storage).
Do not open the packages with the boards before installation as they can absorb moisture and deform. Deformed boards cannot be installed. Floorboards must be always stored in a horizontal position, never upright - it can cause deformation of the boards.
Installation should be done only after checking all the above mentioned recommendations. The next thing is to think about the direction of laying the planks.
Most often it is aligned with the main light source in the room, for example: terraced window. Boards should run parallel to the direction of the light. Proportions of the room can be emphasized by skilled selection of the direction of stacking. Small rooms appear larger as a result of the use of colored wood. In rooms with length or width exceeding 10 m joint profiles should be installed: in narrow aisles must always be routed in the longitudinal direction, in the case of rooms in a T-shaped, L or U profiles using appropriate divide the flooring areas according to the shape of the room. Before applying the glue it is recommended to use scratch primers.
After Installation
After laying hardwood flooring, we must pay attention to many factors. The indoor temperature should be 18-23 ° C and relative humidity 45-60%. During the heating season humidity could fall to such a low level that the boards will dry out, what may result in showing of gaps between them. The same problem arises in the case of unoccupied rooms, due to lack of natural sources of moisture, which in the case of keeping them in the heating season temperature approx. 20 ° C leads to a decrease of humidity.
Caring: depending on the intensity of oiled-wax parquet use you should cover it with maintenance liquid (minimum once every three years). Maintenance liquid should be also used when floor shows visible signs of usage. It is recommended to use the formulas recommended by the floor manufacturer.
Renovation: oiled-wax parquet can be easily repaired in sections. Scratches, small burn marks and even paint stains can be remedied with maintenance liquid. It is recommended to use the formulas recommended by the floor manufacturer.
We encourage you to read all recommendation of manufacturer. To do this click download.
How can I see and check your products ?
- visit one of our distributors or our trade office in Warsaw which is located at Moldawska 9 Str., Warsaw
- Select products which you are interested in from the specification , and then we will send them by means of a delivery service, you choose.
What is quality of your products ?
- All products meet EU standards EN 13226 and are CE certified
- Moisture of our products is in range of 9± 2 %.
- The geometry of the manufactured product is ± 0,2mm.
- Please find here a table with other quality characteristics of our products.
How are your products packed?
Firstly five planks(floor boards) are fastened together by the strap in three or two places. Secondly, we wrap the product by the stretch-wrap, which is additionally braced by the scotch tape. When the pallet is complete , our product is once again fastened together by the strap and wrapped by the stretch-wrap. For additional safety of packed product on the pallet , which is going to be moved by the forklift , we cover contact places with the cardboards.
What is difference between parquet and solid floor boards?
Both parquet and solid floor boards are products made of a single solid wood layer. Due to thorough drying and other wood processing our products achieve low thermal conductivity which allows to maintain warm accommodation and provides good sound insulation characteristics.
In technical characteristics the main differences are in length and width. Parquet is attributed to width – 70mm and length 350 – 1000mm and solid floor boards to width 100 – 240mm and length 500 – 3000mm.
Due to considerable width and length of solid floor boards it became possible to acquire classical Scandinavian style , which brings in certain elegance and sense of space in a dwelling.To counterbalance it , parquet can offer considerable versatility of installation styles , such as: "fishbone", "decking", "cubical" and others.
What would you recommend me to choose , oak or ash ?
Both parquet and solid floor boards , which are made of oak and ash, do not have considerable differences in strength and durability. The main differences of these types of woods are in colors and ability to endure temperature influences. Bright colour gamut is more inherent to ash while dark one to oak. Oak unlike ash is more durable to temperature changes , while ash under "substantial temperature changes" can begin to deform.
What is the “tongue and groove” joint and what measure characteristics does it have ?
For better coupling each plank has a special tongues and grooves. Tongue - a snag and groove – a deepening. Usually the groove is slightly larger that the tongue. In order to check the joint quality you need to couple four planks into a square , as a result there should be orthogonal angles without any crevices.Download an image
Should I coat my floor with oil ?
A choice of coating is undoubtedly a choice of every person’s preferences. Oil application makes floor outward , as natural as possible and in addition it facilitates restoration.This type of coating is also distinguished by the fact that it does not form a uniform layer on the surface of the flooring. Therefore, coated surface is not only aesthetically perfect and pleasant for those who walk upon it, but also waterproof, resistant to detergents and diluted detergents, which can be used in the kitchen. In addition the usage of "B component (accelerator)" in the oil increases the durability and protection of the flooring.
How does the oil application protect the floor ?
Varnish during application forms quite thick protective layer which covers the surface of the floor but still barely clinging to it , since it is only absorbed into the wood less than on millimeter. Parquet oil unlike varnish during application is absorbed more thoroughly and to greater depth and only a small part of it remains on the surface. Herewith protective layer does not form , but the wood itself becomes more robust and durable. Wax or “B component(accelerator)” helps to enhance this effect. Oil that contains in their composition “B component” usually does not require the use of the dissolved wax.
The oil protection has certain advantages over the varnish layer. Wood as natural material during exploitation has the abilities to absorb and later to give back moisture. Due to this property , oil or varnish which was applied to the wood , withstands moisture absorption in the same way(they are moisture resistant , but not waterproof) , but when it comes to giving back the situation is completely different. The main difference is that the moisture that has accumulated in the wood can not get out through the varnish layer , as a result the varnish layer can begin to crack and to peel off. Oil application makes the situation quite the opposite , the surface that is coated with the oil can “breathe” because the wood pores are open and therefore all the accumulated moisture can get out , which helps to keep the upper layer of the flooring without visible defects.
What amount of solvents are used in the parquet oil ?
There is parquet oil with:
Large amount of solvent (dry residue – from 25% to 40%);
medium viscosity (dry residue - 40-55%);
dense (80-90% of natural oil).
The drier the residue there is , the less oil layers are needed to coat the element and less time to dry it up. Parquet oil which contains a large amount of a solvent is mainly used as a deep penetrating primer or as means for floor care.
The oil we use for coat our products (Rubio monocoat oil plus 2C) – has 0% of solvent content!
In what cases should I choose oil coating instead of varnish coating ?
If you want to accentuate wood texture as much as possible.
If you intend to install parquet floor in the room with constant temperature and humidity fluctuations.
If you want coat “capricious” wood sorts , which quickly react to humidity and temperature changes in the room.
If you want to coat the floor , which is constantly in contact with water.
If you want to acquire highly sustainable floor.
What oiled parquet care should be carried out ?
Care for oiled floors is quite simple and does not require a lot of effort. Every manufacturer that produces parquet oils usually offers their own set of means for care.
Wet cleaning. In daily wet cleaning of parquet floors in a bucket with a water should be added a small amout of “oil care” solvent , which softens the water and in the same time is quite good for removing dirt from the floor.
Dry cleaning. Every six months or once a year it is recommended to apply a floor cleaner(which is recommended by oil manufacturer). This cleaner is recommended to apply to the parquet and to rub with a special mop or polisher. After complete drying of the floor , will appear effect of the flooring restoration.
Can you cover your products with oil ?
We can cover our products with Rubio monocoat oil plus 2C. For more information and for choosing colour gamut you should contact our managers.
Can I install your products as heated floor ?
We strongly recommend you not to do this , because for this task multilayered wood flooring will be much better. It should be noted that wood is easy to deform , when it is under substantial temperature and humidity changes and if you even want to install our products as heated floor you would have to constantly raise and lower the temperature of your heating system , so that maximum temperature on the surface of flooring does not exceed 25°C.
Can I use your products in the kitchen or bathroom ?
Parquet and solid wood flooring under certain circumstances can be used in both , bathroom and kitchen. Such flooring can only be damaged by constant and direct exposure of water. Furthermore, you should notice that floor which is installed in bathroom additionally requires moisture-resistant cover and good ventilation of the room.
Considering all of the above , we would recommend you to refrain from installing such a type of flooring in the bathroom and kitchen and stick to more usual and durable floorings in these areas such as stone and ceramic tiles.
How long can I use your products ?
In terms of house or apartment with 5-6 family members and complying with certain requirements, our products can be used for about 70-80 years.
What conditions must be met in the dwelling for preservation “normal” flooring properties ?
The most optimal conditions for preserving flooring properties – humidity 45-55% and temperature from 18 to 25°C. If these indicators will be exceeded explicit deformations can occur.
What recommendations should I keep in mind while installing your products ?
We do not recommend to install our products in the rooms which are below the ground level , because they tend to have high humidity level.
Rough floor or basis should be dry and the room where flooring boards are to be installed has to have good ventilation. Humidity of rough wooden floor should not exceed flooring boards humidity for not more than 12%. If the humidity exceeds 12% , we recommend to delay the installation of the flooring until the source of the moisture is abolished.
- It is not recommended to install one layer wood flooring as heated floor , as it may cause deformation. You should also notice that low thermal conductivity of the wood reduces heated floor heating efficiency.
- Before starting installation of flooring , make sure that all heating and air conditioning systems are working and room temperature was maintained on the level of 18-22°С at least for whole week before the installation.
- Throughout the installation time , humidity in the working area should be within 45-55%.